
DIY Homemade Hand Sanitizer Refill
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DIY Homemade Hand Sanitizer Refill

DIY Homemade Hand Sanitizer Refill Recipe Have you been to a store recently? It’s absolute madness with the COVID-19 panic! Toilet paper, soap, cleaning supplies, and hand sanitizer can’t be found anywhere, and online shops are gouging the prices. But thankfully, you can grab the ingredients to make your own DIY homemade hand sanitizer refills…

7 Tips To Survive Being A Stay At Home Parent
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7 Tips To Survive Being A Stay At Home Parent

How am I going to survive being a stay at home parent? You may be asking yourself this if you’ve recently taken the plunge to stay home with your children. Or maybe you have been forced into it because of school closures or job loss. Let me tell you, it isn’t easy, but it really…

Watching A Loved One Stay In An Abusive Relationship
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Watching A Loved One Stay In An Abusive Relationship

If you or a loved one is in an abusive relationship, please, please, please seek help through local programs, family, friends, or call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline. Their advocates are available 24/7 at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) in more than 200 languages. All calls are free and confidential. I am lucky. You could say I’m privileged. Every single relationship…

How Do I Choose A Bottle Warmer? Avent, Ventaire Bottle Warmer, And More!
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How Do I Choose A Bottle Warmer? Avent, Ventaire Bottle Warmer, And More!

This post may include affiliate links. This means at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you purchase items through certain links. Bottle warmer basics explained. Bottle warmer features and limitations. How bottle warmers work: steam, hot water and warm water models. We personally love our Ventaire Bottle Warmer! Baby…

Ways To Step Away From Screens This Summer
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Ways To Step Away From Screens This Summer

Ways To Step Away From Screens This Summer: If your household is anything like today’s average family’s household, then you have all these darn Gen-Z kids who are attached to their phones, tablets, or the TV all the freaking time. There is nothing that bugs my husband or me more than being on electronics constantly…